Thursday, June 13

D.I.G.S. Interview

D.I.G.S. VICE-PRESIDENT AND COMMUNITY GARDEN EXTRAODINAIRE, Isabelle, was kind enough to answer some of our interview questions to further our exploration into COMMUNITY GARDENS! ... What can we say? It is gardening season, and we are excited!

So here is what she replied:

I know you from DIGS Community Garden but what other community gardens are you a member of?

Davie Community Garden and previously I was a member of Yaletown Community Garden (until construction began).

How long have you been participating in community gardens for?

7 years.

Why did you start gardening?

I grew up on a farm in Nova Scotia and loved gardening so community gardening is a way to recapture that experience.

What is your favourite part of being involved with community gardens?

Growing healthy organic food in a community setting.

What is it about gardening that brings people together?

A commitment to nature and organic growing in a great social setting.

How did you find out about the Vancouver community garden scene?

Via Central Presbyterian Church.

What is your favourite thing to plant?


What do you think Vancouver can do to help strengthen our community?

Stop stealing our tomatoes and zucchini. LOL 
Continue to provide grants for community garden development.

With community gardens, obviously it is also a matter of space, do you think this is going to become an issue or do you think Vancouver will continue to support the idea of urban, community gardens?

Rooftop gardening is increasing in popularity and I think community gardens are here to stay!

We hope Isabelle's interview has helped remind you that there are people out there, whether it be fellow gardeners or painters or boardgame enthusiasts (I happen to be all three) that share your passions and enjoy not only doing the things they love but also to share what they love with other people. Speaking from experience, I have learned a lot about gardening since I signed up and I have been able to pass on the knowledge, which is what it is all about.  

Peace, love and happiness


Tuesday, June 11


We at Fair JAKE, love to promote “what’s happening”, not only to get people out and supporting local events or companies but also to get people (including ourselves) out in Vancouver, meeting new and interesting people that have similar interests. That is why I have chosen this week’s Tuesday post to be about COMMUNITY GARDENS.
It is an amazing way to get out and meet new people, enjoy the sunshine, grow delicious food, learn, have fun, and maybe try something you haven’t done before.
DIGS Rooftop Community Garden
I am lucky enough to be a part of D.I.G.S. (Downtown Intercultural Gardeners Society) where I have met many kind, interesting, and talented gardeners. We are a community garden located in the west end but there are gardens all over Vancouver. Vancouver has over 75 community gardens! Many of which have extensive waitlists but, in my opinion, it is worth the wait. There is nothing better than eating fresh vegetables you have grown yourself; however, if you can’t wait, the city of Vancouver is supporting the “growing” desire of its community to want to create these gardens and they have even stated the following
Kerrisdale Community Garden

So I say get your “guerrilla” suit on and get gardening, because it is a beautiful thing to be a part of, literally.
