Sunday, January 12

We're just going to take a little nap...

Just close our eyes. Take a breathe. Have a little snooze. Regroup, reorganize and rethink our goals and what we are working towards. We have been so happy to plant our business roots in our beautiful BC, and are so thrilled to be back home. We have been able to be creative in a place we find most inspiring and don't plan on going anywhere. But life gets rolling and with every new adventure comes a little lesson. After two and a half years of those little lessons, we have come to realize we have so much more to learn. Our greatest desire is to lead and curate the future of a little design company called Fair JAKE. It was when we started, and it is still. We've just learned along the way the ideals we conjured up at the beginning of this experiment into entrepreneurism were young and innocent and maybe a little fantastical. We love the optimism and see its vitality in small business, but we want to be smart and learn from the professionals that have gone before us. We want to absorb their wisdom and be captivated be the lessons they have learned. SO, that is what we are going to do. We are going to explore the business world, witness the downfalls and victories and learn from the best. Then we will come back. We will wake up if you will. We will remerge; a little more grown up, a wee bit smarter, a smidge more worldly and aware. Do not worry - you'll know when we start up again. Some things you can't change. The quirky, west-coast loving Fair JAKE team will be back. Our dream, pride and joy and passion is Fair JAKE. We'll wake up soon. But for now we're just going to take a little nap.

Love Alex and Kim

Thank you everyone for all your love and support over the last couple years!