Tuesday, June 11


We at Fair JAKE, love to promote “what’s happening”, not only to get people out and supporting local events or companies but also to get people (including ourselves) out in Vancouver, meeting new and interesting people that have similar interests. That is why I have chosen this week’s Tuesday post to be about COMMUNITY GARDENS.
It is an amazing way to get out and meet new people, enjoy the sunshine, grow delicious food, learn, have fun, and maybe try something you haven’t done before.
DIGS Rooftop Community Garden
I am lucky enough to be a part of D.I.G.S. (Downtown Intercultural Gardeners Society) where I have met many kind, interesting, and talented gardeners. We are a community garden located in the west end but there are gardens all over Vancouver. Vancouver has over 75 community gardens! Many of which have extensive waitlists but, in my opinion, it is worth the wait. There is nothing better than eating fresh vegetables you have grown yourself; however, if you can’t wait, the city of Vancouver is supporting the “growing” desire of its community to want to create these gardens and they have even stated the following
Kerrisdale Community Garden

So I say get your “guerrilla” suit on and get gardening, because it is a beautiful thing to be a part of, literally.


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