Alright everyone. Half of Fair JAKE is turning __(insert age here)____ years old! I was trying to figure out what to write today, and I thought it should probably be something about Miss Smolen. Fair JAKE is really just an extension of both our identities, and if you know either of us pretty well its easy to see where the inspiration comes from. The creativity comes across in our product, but there is a lot of individuality, perspective and philosophy that goes into our company. A lot of quirkiness and character that makes it tick. So I was thinking, what better day than Alex's birthday to give you a crash course in 50% (or more) of Fair JAKE's personality and help you understand why she is the best business partner ever!
1. Her dance moves are unparalleled. I tried to find a picture. A movie would be more appropriate but I'm either laughing too hard to get a steady picture or she's moving to fast so all you get is a blur across your picture. This is the best example I can find. You'll just have to go dancing with her yourself - make sure you bring your best moves!
2. She is a snazzy dresser. And she often brings along Francis. Who is also a snazzy dresser. Hmmm wait a moment. Something is going on here...
3. She approves of staying hydrated while working.
7. She is a twin. So that is twice as awesome.
(HUGE Happy Birthday to our #1 fan and supporter Sami!!!)
8. She's a goof and thought that this was a totally appropriate professional photograph.
High five my friend.
You are awesome.
Happy Birthday!