Thursday, March 7

Amanda Parker

For our first interview session on our blog, we decided to interview our good friend Amanda Parker. She is the owner, artist of Marian and Hazel as well as Amanda Park Design. We chose to interview Amanda because she is not only a very talented artist but she is relatively new to Vancouver; so we can get some insight on what it’s like as an established artist to move across country and start fresh. Plus we get to show off her beautiful work!

What is your background in?

My post-secondary education started out at Sheridan College in the study of Interior Design. I completed my Advanced Diploma and then practiced high end residential interior design at a small firm for five years. Feeling the need for a creative change, I went back to school at the same educational institution for the Crafts and Design Program majoring in glass forming.

How long did you move to Vancouver?

We moved to the Lower Mainland in October 2010, so almost two and a half years ago, from Georgetown, Ontario, a small town Northwest of Toronto.

What has been the most challenging factor in being an artist in a new city?

I think the most challenging thing has been figuring out where my market is. It has been a learning curve figuring out what craft or art shows to participate in and what type of stores are a good fit for carrying my work.

From a design perspective what has been the most noticeable difference between here and out east?

In terms of my artwork, I find that people here always see a natural element in the piece. More commonly they find a connection to the ocean. I think it is so interesting because in Ontario that really didn’t happen that often and I think it is a product of the local environment. Art is all about what you see or feel in a piece and I am always so fascinated with how people respond to my work.

The individual perspective on art is always to interesting. How have you found the Vancouver art community?

I have made some great connections through participating in art and craft shows like Got Craft, Harmony Arts, and the One of a Kind section that was part of the Interior Design Show. I think this is because the other designers and artists are like minded and we have similar goals. As for connecting with galleries and the more fine art sector I have found that the network is much harder to access. I have found this has guided my work to becoming more home accessories and jewellery based and I work on my art practice less frequently.

You're in such a unique position of having a fine art label as well as a jewellery line that is more market accessible. How do you achieve balance between creating for customer vs. yourself?

I generally try to keep my customer avatar in mind when designing and making jewellery. I consider the trends of the season and what people are looking for, not necessarily just following them but rather using these trends as a guide to inform the designs. Keeping all of this in mind while also making sure the pieces always contain my own aesthetic.  In terms of my art practice I generally make work that I want to make or that inspires me and if people respond to that it is a bonus!

What have you found to be the most successful way to position your business in the Vancouver market place? Where have you had to compromise?

I think I have had the most success accessing my clientele through design related avenues. Shows like the Interior Design Show allow me to access a design minded market where my art pieces and my jewellery were both successfully received.  I definitely cater my work to different markets for different shows and keep the customer in mind. I have learned that my work is not received as well in non-urban markets and have had to keep this in mind when being approached by stores to carry my work.

Now that everyone wants to run out and get their hands on your stuff, where can we find your creations?

My jewellery, artwork and home accessories can be found at:

Brick and Mortar Living in New Westminster 

Jewellery and artwork:

Favourite at the Lonsdale Quay


Barefoot Contessa


Frock (Toronto)

For all our friends in Toronto that are booking their flight to Van to get their hands on Amanda's work, you can find her for the very first time at the One of a Kind Show from March 27th to 31st.

Thanks Amanda! Need more information, find all you need to know about Amanda's work and upcoming events at

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