Tuesday, November 12

The Toxicity of Fast Fashion

We've written a lot about the environmental and social impact of fashion. We've talked about unsafe working conditions, synthetic fibres and the benefits of local production. We've brushed past low-impact dye practices and toxic textile applications. Until now.

In July 2011, Greenpeace launched Detox. Now, it is powered by over half a million people who are demanding toxic free fashion and clean water. So far, eighteen global apparel labels have signed on, such as Nike, H&M and Levi's. To make all the information completely painless to take in, Greenpeace has produced a video explaining the objectives of their program, and the facts that led to the creation of Detox. So rather than go on and on about how integral it is for us to find a solution to the ecological disaster fashion is creating, I will let the educational video do the talking. Take a look -

For the full list of fashion companies that have signed on to Detox Fashion Manifesto, check out the Detox page on the Greenpeace website here.

Hope this give you lots to think about, especially the next time you head out on a shopping trip. The best consumer is an educated one!

- Kim

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