Tuesday, July 2

Get Packin'

What a weekend, the Jazz festival, Chinatown night market, Canada Day and so much more.

 I know I got too much sun but I had fun getting there. However, now that it is over and I am getting started on a new week ahead, it got me thinking about what needs to get done (A LOT). Kim and I are heading to Toronto in a week for work and pleasure, which got me thinking about packing. That thought spiked my curiosity towards luggage and what sustainable options are out there. So I got to looking and found some interesting info.

I think the most sustainable luggage is to go to your local thrift store... or parents attic and see what they have there first. Like most vintage things luggage used to be built better and more durable. So not only will you get something strong but you will be reducing the waste entering our landfills which is a bonus. 

But if you can't stand the thought of using someone else's old luggage or you want something new and matching then there are alternatives out there.

For example Heys has designed an eco collection, the hard shell is made from 100% recycled water bottles!

Whatever you decide remember to always MARK YOUR LUGGAGE! Once I almost left the airport with the wrong bag because I thought there was no chance someone else would have the same old ugly bag as me  (I got mine from a thrift store) and sure enough, my name was called on the P.A. system to return to the baggage area to swap my bag!


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