The Battle Rounds continue! (Whoops… it now
appears I am channelling a different show….) In past posts we have discovered
the solid pockets of the BC Liberal parties and the golden heart of the BC NDP.
What about if you treasure a green thumb?
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the BC Green Party!
BC Green Party
Leader: Jane
Sterk, PhD in Counselling Psychology, former small business owner, former
school teacher.
Key Issues:
and the environment
Justice, grassroots democracy, non-violence.
Power and
responsibility refocused in local communities.
Paula Abdul would say:
of all, The Green Party has a terrifically navigable website with all its
principles laid out (and trust me, I have been looking at a lot of political
websites lately!) I love the focus on local communities. They also blatantly
address gender equality in their core values, a surprisingly rare phenomenon.
The Green Party is like the quiet girl in those high
school themed chick flicks. There are so many catfights between the popular
girls that she gets overlooked. Then, at the end of the movie, we find out she
was the most beautiful girl in school and the main man falls in love with her.
Don’t overlook the Green Party! They have remained focused and purely devoted
to their values through the election storm.
Simon Cowell would say:
If every day was earth hour, we wouldn’t
get anything done. While the idea of reducing electricity is good in theory,
reality is that we need it for most daily activities. Likewise, a party that is
born out of one issue cannot successfully address others; unfortunately for
Jane and the Green Party, people’s lives are intersected by a number of
different issues. Sure, they drop other positive buzz words (ie: “social
justice”, “democracy”), but where are tangible solutions?
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