Tuesday, May 14

Go Vote!

Great news!! Today is the BC Election! Today is your chance to have your voice heard. And, after today, there won’t be any more annoying phone calls, door knocking or pamphlets in your mail box (or at least for another couple of years).
Over the last couple of weeks FairJAKE has been profiling the four main BC political parties to help gain a better understanding of what they believe in. We have examined the BC Liberal Party, the BC NDP, the BC Green Party and the BC Conservatives. Although we have been doing a terrific job (if I may say so myself), you may still be left wondering who to vote for.
When it comes down to it, you need to choose the candidate that best aligns with your interests, values and goals. Don’t worry about party leadership; think about what your MLA candidate has done for your community in the past and what they are planning to do if elected. Think about how the platforms reflect your interests and choose the one that has your ideals in mind.
The CBC Vote Compass offers a great resource to help figure out which party aligns with your interests. Answer the questions and find out which party they suggest for you:
Okay! So, you have figured out who you are voting for. Now what?
When to vote: Today! 8am to 8pm
Where to go: Usually you need to go to your closest Elementary School to vote, but find out where exactly to go at ElectionsBC: http://www.elections.bc.ca/docs/List%20of%20Voting%20Places%20for%20web.pdf
What to bring: Government Issued Photo ID with your address; Yellow Voters’ Card (sent to you in the mail). If you did not receive a Voters’ Card, or you do not currently live at the address on your ID, bring along a piece of mail with your address on it (paycheck, utilities bill etc.) If you don’t have any mail, bring someone to vouch for you.
So, get er’ done! Go exercise your democratic rights! As the ElectionsBC ads say: “It’s only the basis of democracy and a free society, but, hey, you probably have spin class.” (like you need an excuse to skip spin).
- Lisa

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